Tuesday, January 30, 2007

=x from someones blog

One tiny size girl (PETITE I MEAN) did the SILLY LITTLE GIRL AND THE TREE!Well I think she did pretty well protraying the girl, I mean the girl has to be somehow normal-like yet weird at the same time.

There's this girl like acting about the cons on petite/skinny-ness in the modern world and MAN SHE SHOULD GET SOME NIPPLE TAPES ehem I mean some binder OR some silicone stick on bras, it'll help honeh.Gosh those nipple don't look good under the harsh bright lights.Another girl called Viki, DAMN SHE'S SOOOOOOO GOOD IN AUDITION.Frigging funny y'all with the red shawl, the red umbrella, godamn she's funny as hell.Elina and her partner in THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST,it was funny too with the accent and all, but I don't like the acting of her partner.No i'm not being biased here.O.M.GI know you totally have to be articulate, but BENVERPOOT and I couldn't stop giggling at some SPIT SPEWING ACTORS unnecessary parts I mean.Seriously we were totally blessed the whole night cause we sat 2 rows away from the stage.2 girls worth mention I can't remember their names but both were SUPERB,FANTASTIC,AWESOME,GRIPPING!Well, that's practically the vocabulary I can think of right now about them.But both were so damn good they put the rest (excluding Elina of course) in shame.But what both girls had in common is that both were potraying disabled characters.CHINA DOLL was pretty good, with HENRYK TAN in it, well he just dance abit and that's about it, but the girl was good and got a nice bod!

OH OH OH!I saw both SHANE AND HENRYK TAN. (they have a super uber long ang moh-ish surname which I can't remember.)Can I say that I'm utterly disappointed by their looks?I mean I know I'm in no position to say anything since I'm not that good looking myself that I have to blur my pictures to prevent giving people nightmares a fright, but hey AT LEAST I'm admiting!Henryk have skin that looked like orange peel okay fine, not so fantastic in looks department in real life.I shall just continue admiring their photoshop pictures from SEVENTEEN magazine.His brother Shane is hotter though,and pfft that Henryk who was directly behind me when we were meeting Elina kept on bumping into me.Like hello I know I'm frigging short but heck,I guess it's the crowd so he's forgiven AHAHAHA!OKAY ANYWAY BACK TO THE PLAYS.Actually I can't remember much anymore cause most of them were boring and totally forgettable.But I remember the MC who was like a row of seat away from me was sitting down with his legs wide open EHEM SITTING INAPPROPRIATELY.Man next time he should sit with his legs closer lor got kids watching leh.AND AND ANDHenrk forgot his lines on stage.He suddenly stop at one point of time and seated and staring on the floor for a good 3 minutes with his forehead and eyes stamped with "OH SHIT/FEAR/TRAUMATISED/OH FUCK/OH CRAP" look.The lights went off THEN he continued with his lines and the lights went on again.I think that's pretty humiliating,but oh well I just got the impression that he didn't memorise his lines well enough or he's plainly just being cocky.

But overall it was fun!HAHA A GOOD NIGHT INDEED.PICS OF HENRYK AND SHANE FROM MY MOULDY SEVENTEEN MAG.I swear their skin don't look like this in real life, so girls don't be disappointed when you see them in real life

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